Funding and Resources

Unlocking Innovation: How to Leverage the Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) for Your R&D Efforts

Innovation is the lifeblood of any thriving business, especially in today’s competitive landscape. For Ontario-based companies, the Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) offers a valuable opportunity to offset the costs of research and development (R&D), making it easier to invest in the innovative activities that drive growth. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the OITC is, who qualifies, and how your business can take full advantage of this refundable tax credit.

What is the Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC)?

The Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) is a refundable tax credit offered by the Ontario government to encourage businesses to invest in R&D activities. It is specifically designed for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ontario that engage in scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED). The credit allows eligible corporations to claim 8% of qualifying R&D expenditures, which can significantly reduce the financial burden of innovation.

Who Qualifies for the OITC?

To qualify for the OITC, your business must meet the following criteria:

  1. Incorporated in Ontario: Your company must be a corporation that is either resident in Ontario or has a permanent establishment in the province.
  2. Eligible R&D Activities: The R&D activities must be conducted within Ontario and must meet the criteria for SR&ED, as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). These activities typically involve systematic investigation or search carried out in a field of science or technology, with the goal of achieving scientific or technological advancement.
  3. Corporate Income: The OITC is aimed at small to medium-sized businesses, so your company’s taxable income in the year before claiming the credit should generally not exceed $500,000.
  4. Qualifying Expenditures: Eligible expenditures include salaries and wages for R&D personnel, materials used in R&D, overhead expenses directly related to R&D, and contract payments to third parties conducting R&D on your behalf.

How to Take Advantage of the OITC

Taking full advantage of the OITC requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the application process. Here are the key steps to ensure you maximize this tax credit:

  1. Identify Eligible R&D Activities:
    • Review your business activities to identify which projects and expenses qualify as SR&ED under CRA guidelines. Common qualifying activities include developing new products or processes, improving existing ones, and solving technological challenges through experimentation.
    • Document all aspects of your R&D projects, including the objectives, challenges faced, and the methods used to overcome these challenges. Proper documentation is critical to support your claim.
  2. Track Qualifying Expenses:
    • Keep detailed records of all expenses related to your R&D activities, including salaries, materials, and overhead costs. It’s essential to separate these costs from other business expenses to ensure accuracy in your claim.
    • Consider using specialized software or accounting services to track R&D expenses and compile the necessary documentation for your OITC claim.
  3. Consult with a Tax Advisor:
    • Given the complexities of tax law and the specific requirements of the OITC, it’s wise to consult with a tax advisor who specializes in SR&ED and innovation tax credits. They can help you navigate the process, identify eligible activities, and ensure that your claim is complete and accurate.
    • A tax advisor can also assist in coordinating your OITC claim with federal SR&ED credits, maximizing your overall tax savings.
  4. File Your Claim:
    • The OITC is claimed as part of your Ontario corporate tax return (CT23), so ensure you meet all filing deadlines. Generally, you can claim the OITC up to 18 months after the end of the tax year in which the R&D expenditures were made.
    • Prepare a thorough and well-documented claim to minimize the risk of audits or reviews by the CRA. This includes submitting a complete and accurate Form T661 (Scientific Research and Experimental Development Expenditures Claim) along with your corporate tax return.
  5. Review and Optimize:
    • After submitting your claim, review the results and assess the impact of the OITC on your R&D budgeting and planning. Consider reinvesting the refunded tax credit into further innovation to fuel continuous growth.
    • Regularly review your R&D activities and expenditures to ensure ongoing eligibility for the OITC. Maintaining a proactive approach will allow you to consistently take advantage of the credit as your business evolves.


The Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) provides a significant financial incentive for Ontario-based businesses to invest in R&D activities. By carefully identifying eligible projects, tracking expenses, consulting with a tax advisor, and filing a well-prepared claim, your business can unlock valuable tax savings and reinvest in the innovation that drives growth.

Whether you’re developing new products, improving processes, or overcoming technological challenges, the OITC can help reduce the financial risks associated with R&D, making it easier for your business to stay competitive and innovative. If you haven’t yet explored this opportunity, now is the time to take advantage of the OITC and boost your R&D efforts. The Culture Advisory Group can help in the preparation of OITC submission. Our experienced funding advisors have successfully help many of our clients through the submission process.  Feel free tor each out at  for more information and assistance.