Our Purpose

Culture Advisory Group

Our Purpose

Our Food Industry - A Time for Action

In the wake of a global health crisis and its economic impacts, our agriculture and food industry continue to experience more than just supply chain cost pressures. These pressures create business disruptions, and many companies have been forced to manage or accept lower standards of compliance and quality. Manufacturers and brand owners are dealing with more occurrences of product adulterations, food fraud and substitution in their supply chains. These can lead to product failures, foodborne illness, and recalls. In extreme cases, these issues lead to an entire business being placed at risk with loss of sales, brand reputation, extra costs, customer and regulatory fines, and the possibility of legal actions leading to jail time.

Accountability is a higher priority than ever before

When the health of our food system is at risk, the stakes get higher for everyone. As the vulnerabilities in the safety and quality of our systems are revealed, governments and industry across the world continue to call for more rigorous regulations and voluntary certifications for agricultural, manufacturing, importers, and distribution supply chains.

For example, by January 2026, the FDA will require 100% traceability of most food sources. This means new requirements of record keeping for importers, manufacturers, processors, and packers. Data requests from the FDA will require a response within 24 hours. All companies producing and supplying food or ingredients for American consumption will be subject to these rules and although countries such as Canada have not yet declared a date for similar protocols, they do cite updated traceability rules, within the new Safe Food for Canadian Act.

What will this mean for the food industry? Companies will need to demonstrate, on demand, the origin, and detail the manufacturing and packing process of any food product. They will be increasingly held legally accountable to provide “track and trace” proof of food safety procedures, risk assessments, certifications, and employee training.

Today, many organizations are not ready to meet global agriculture and food trading requirements. Their ability to be a competitor in the marketplace is in jeopardy.

Creating A Resilient Future

Many small and medium sized agriculture, food and beverage companies are behind in their goals to meeting both regulatory and voluntary global standards for food safety compliance and quality assurances - even those companies who may be regionally or federally registered today. Many companies still lack processes, resources, software, and automation tools: for many, traditional or original paper reports may still be stored on-site in binders and serve as the only system, records and supporting evidence for food safety and quality compliance.

Agriculture and food companies must convert these paper systems to digitized records. Access to dynamic data will be required as food safety and quality assurance records will need to be completed and shareable, at any time. Companies will need to be audit-ready and be able to provide real-time information on demand.

We can help with a seamless implementation of software services. Let us show you how.

What our Food Industries Need Now

Today's era of disruption can provide our industry with a real opportunity for systemic change.

Companies can acquire the technical and scientific tools required to meet the pro-active requirements of an audit-ready industry. Culture Advisory Group can guide the way.

Our clients are embarking on projects to upgrade their food safety and quality systems so that they are competitive with global category leaders. They are investing in:

  • state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment
  • plant upgrades and technology
  • software systems and hardware to implement management systems and analyse data for third-party audits, certifications, internal and external risk assessments, employee and contractor trainings, vendor approval processes, food adulteration and fraud strategies, etc.
  • accessing new foreign markets through trade visits, marketing campaigns and sales initiatives

Let Our Food & Agriculture Consultants Guide You

Our industry experts can advise you on various planning and requirements from assessing business gaps to identifying eligible grants and funding.